
Our JavaScript is easy to set up and only requires jQuery to get going.


You can get the Foundation JavaScript files from a ZIP download, package manager, or CDN. Check out the Installation page to learn more.

Once you have the files, add links to jQuery and Foundation as <script> tags at the bottom of your page, just before the closing <body> tag.

<script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<!-- this will include every plugin and utility required by Foundation -->
<script src="js/foundation.min.js"></script>

Make sure Foundation loads after jQuery.

Babel Required

Our JavaScript uses some features of ECMAScript 2015. If you use Foundation with a build system, you'll need to compile our code to ES5. We use Babel in our templates to do this. Babel has plugins for every build system imaginable, so integrating it into an existing setup is easy.

When configuring Babel to work with Foundation, you only need to include the es2015 preset. At the root of your project, add a file called .babelrc with these contents to load that configuration:

  "presets": ["es2015"]

File Structure

All of Foundation's plugins ship as individual files, named foundation.tabs.js, foundation.accordion.js, and so on. These files are also combined into one big file called foundation.js, which allows you to get every plugin at once.

If you're only using certain plugins, know that they all require foundation.core.js and foundation.util.mediaQuery.js to be loaded first. Some plugins also require specific utility libraries that ship with Foundation—refer to a plugin's documentation to find out which plugins require what, and see the JavaScript Utilities page for more information.

<!-- Example of selectively including files -->
<script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/foundation.core.js"></script>
<script src="js/foundation.util.mediaQuery.js"></script>
<script src="js/foundation.tabs.js"></script>
<script src="js/foundation.accordion.js"></script>

Loading many individual files like this creates a lot of network overhead, especially for users on mobile networks. To keep your pages loading quick, we recommend using a tool like Grunt or Gulp to combine all of your JavaScript files into one.


The .foundation() function on the jQuery object will kick off every Foundation plugin at once.


You can also selectively initialize plugins by call the .foundation(); method on one or more elements with a plugin.

$('#foo').foundation(); // initialize all plugins within the element `#foo`
$('.has-tip').foundation(); // initialize all tooltips on the page.

Using Plugins

Plugins are attached to HTML elements using data attributes. The data attribute will match the name of the plugin. For example, adding data-accordion to an element creates an accordion, while adding data-tooltip creates a tooltip link.

<p><span data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" class="has-tip" tabindex="1" title="Fancy word for a beetle.">Scarabaeus</span></p>


A single element can only have one Foundation plugin on it at a time. However, most plugins can be nested inside other ones.

Configuring Plugins

Each plugin has a set of configuration settings that customize how it works. For example, you change how fast an accordion slides up and down, or if tooltips should appear on touch devices.

Plugin settings can be changed globally by changing the DEFAULTS property on the plugin.

Foundation.Accordion.defaults.slideSpeed = 500;
Foundation.Accordion.defaults.multiExpand = true;

An individual instance of a plugin can also have different settings. These can be set in the HTML or in JavaScript.

In the HTML, each setting can be defined as an individual data attribute. Note that camelCased options are converted to hyphenated words. In the below example, multiExpand becomes data-multi-expand.

<div data-accordion data-slide-speed="500" data-multi-expand="true"></div>

Data options can also be set in bulk on one attribute, data-options. Options are written with the format key: value;, with a semicolon separating each option. The above example can be written using data-options like so:

<div data-accordion data-options="slideSpeed: 500; multiExpand: true;"></div>

There is one exception to this rule above, in the Sticky plugin. Because of the way you pass top and bottom anchors to that plugin, you can't include them in your data-options attribute. If you are using a single anchor or no declared anchor at all, you can still use data-options, and you can use it for all other options available.

Setting options with JavaScript involves passing an object into the constructor function, like this:

var options = {multiExpand: true, allowAllClosed: false};
var accordion = new Foundation.Accordion($('#some-accordion'), options);

It's worth noting that options passed to plugins via JavaScript take the highest precedence, and will overwrite any default values or options applied via the data-some-option tag. This is also how the data-options="someOption:true; someOtherOption:false" options are passed into constructor functions. So, if you were to say:

<div data-accordion data-slide-speed="500" data-options="slideSpeed:250;">...</div>

your accordion element would have a slide speed of 250 milliseconds.

Adding Plugins After Page Load

If you add new HTML to the DOM, any plugins on those elements won't be initialized by default. Re-call the .foundation() function to check for new plugins.

$.ajax('assets/partials/kitten-carousel.html', function(data) {

Adding Content to Plugins

In previous versions of Foundation, there was a method for plugins called reflow, though it's inclusion on plugins wasn't universal. For Foundation 6 we've added a global reInit method that will remove and reapply event listeners, update the plugin's instance data for relevant information, like a new tab or content pane being added, and reset any cached data the plugin may rely on.

This method can be called on a plugin class:


an array of plugin classes:

Foundation.reInit(['tooltip', 'accordion', 'reveal']);

or an individual element or collection of elements selected with jQuery:


If passing strings, it is required to pass proper camelCased or kebab-cased plugin names. Passing DropdownMenu or dropdown-menu are equivalent.

Programmatic Use

Plugins can be created programmatically in JavaScript. Every plugin is a class on the global Foundation object, with a constructor that accepts two parameters: an element to attach to, and an object of options.

var $accordion = new Foundation.Accordion($('#accordion'), {
  slideSpeed: 500,
  multiExpand: true

Most plugins have a public API that allows you to manipulate it through JavaScript. Refer to a plugin's documentation to learn what functions are available. Invoking methods is easy as pie:

$('#reveal').foundation('open'); //will open a Reveal modal with id `reveal`.

$('[data-tabs]').eq(0).foundation('selectTab', $('#example')); //will change the first Tabs on the page to whatever panel you choose.

$('.tooltip').foundation('destroy'); //will destroy all Tooltips on the page.

You can use any jQuery selector you like, and if the selector encompasses multiple plugins, they will all have the same the chosen method invoked. You pass arguments just like you would any in other JavaScript function(comma, delimited, so, easy). We did make an effort to reduce the number of public methods that require arguments, but check the plugin's page to see if it requires additional information.

If you are creating your plugins programmatically, you can, of course, invoke methods directly:

var $modal = new Foundation.Reveal($('#some-modal'), options);

Plugin methods prefixed with an underscore are considered part of the internal API, which means they could change, break, or disappear without warning. We recommend sticking to only the public API, which is documented on each plugin's page.


Every plugin fires DOM events when certain functions finish. For example, you can listen for when tabs change, or an off-canvas menu opens, and create a callback to respond to it.

$('[data-tabs]').on('change.zf.tabs', function() {
  console.log('Those tabs sure did change!');

Refer to each plugin's documentation to see a list of events it fires, and when they fire.

Starting with Foundation 6, we removed callbacks as plugin settings. All use of callbacks with plugins should be done as event listeners.