CSS Columns


Mixins, helper classes and extends for easy CSS columns


CSS columns can easily be applied to a containing element using the .css-columns-x class, where x is the number of columns needed.

<ul class="css-columns-3">
  <li>The first column</li>
  <li>The second column</li>
  <li>The third column</li>
  • The first column
  • The second column
  • The third column

Responsive CSS columns

To apply a different number of columns at different breakpoints, append the breakpoint name to the .css-columns-x class (i.e. css-columns-2-large):

<ul class="css-columns-0-small css-columns-2-medium css-columns-4-large">
  <li>The first column</li>
  <li>The second column</li>
  <li>The third column</li>
  <li>The fourth column</li>
  • The first column
  • The second column
  • The third column
  • The fourth column

Sass Reference


We use these mixins to build the final CSS output of this component. You can use the mixins yourself to build your own class structure out of our components.


@include css-columns($count, $gap);

Outputs CSS properties for CSS columns

ParameterTypeDefault ValueDescription
$count Number None

The number of CSS columns

$gap Number None

The gap between CSS columns


@include css-columns-classes($class, $count, $gap);

Generates CSS columns helper classes (and extends) for a given column count

ParameterTypeDefault ValueDescription
$class String 'col-'

The base of the class name for each column count

$count Number 12

The total number of classes (column counts) to generate

$gap Number 1rem

The gap between CSS columns